At Familink, we take the security of personal data very seriously, especially in the context of sharing photos of young children.
About data hosting
The photos are stored on the photo frame. Be careful, this means that all people with physical access to the frame can see the photos sent (care staff, home help, family, etc...).
A copy of the photos is also stored on our servers. This is to provide you with the opportunity to order paper prints, and in case of hardware failure on your frame. If this should happen we would replace the material with the original photos.
The photos are stored at Scaleway (french Cloud service) in Paris, France. These is a very serious hosting company, which host thousands of other sites and services around the world.
Concerning data security
All photo transfers:
- between the mobile application and our servers
- between our servers
- between our servers and the device, in 2G, 3G, 4G or Wifi
are carried out in an encrypted manner using the usual security techniques (SSL) and therefore cannot be intercepted by a malicious third party.