Familink can work both in 3G/4G and WiFi. These 2 connections offer the same service and permit the frame to receive pictures instantaneously. We send and receive pictures the same way too. The main difference is the price, indeed, when you connect your frame to the WiFi, you do not have to pay a monthly subscription fee once the free period ends.
By default, every frame is set to connect on 3G/4G. This is the setting default upon activation. This connection mode does not require any configuration. The frame has to be in one of the countries where our SIM card works, then the frame is ready to receive your pictures.
To connect the frame to the WiFi, you have to press the screen 8 times successively. Then a window pops up asking you if you want to connect the device to the WiFi. Answer “Yes”. Then there will be a display menu allowing you to adjust the settings, like a regular tablet.
Attention: Familink only works on private WiFi networks. It can not work on a public WiFi network.
What is a private WiFi network?
A private WiFi network is a WiFi network that connects a device to a secure server. Private WiFi networks generally own a WiFi key (WPA or WPA2. Beware not WEP). By connecting your Familink frame to the private WiFi network, you will be able to access the frame and receive photos.
While a public WiFi network usually works without a key. These are open networks. The networks you find in hotels, train stations, retirement homes or hotspots. Even though they often require a password, a room number or a last name, this is not a WiFi key. Thus Familink is not able to work on this network. They are WiFi networks which allow access to the internet, suitable for computers and smartphones, but not for the connectivity of a device such as Familink.
How to know if Familink will be compatible with my WiFi network?
By taking into account the previous information, we can confirm Familink will work with your WiFi if you are part of one of the following cases:
- It is a private WiFi network.
- Upon activation you enter a WiFi key (WPA or WPA2. Beware not WEP) do not confuse with a password.
- Your nursing home owns a private WiFi network, it depends on the establishment, to be sure, ask the administration of the organization. Also check that the resident’s room is WiFi enabled. FYI, most nursing home’s own a public WiFi as well some WiFi networks are only available in the common areas.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us!